Georgia is a country for life, travel and recreation

What not to talk about in Georgia?

Arriving in Georgia, you need to understand that this country has a different mentality. Sometimes tourists immediately start sharp conversations, which immediately repel Georgians from themselves. There are certain topics that it is better not to talk to them about in order to build a good relationship. This will help…

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“Oryol i Reshka” in Georgia

“Oryol i Reshka” is a Ukrainian educational TV program about travel. In February 2022, filming and airing of episodes already filmed were suspended indefinitely due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This page contains all seven episodes filmed in Georgia. Season 1 (2011), episode 15 Tbilisi Eagle and Tails in Tbilisi,…

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About earthquakes in Georgia

Georgia is a mountainous country with medium seismic activity. Small earthquakes here are a common thing, none of the locals pay attention to them. To obtain information about earthquakes and to study them, seismologists have developed applications for smartphones. Their usual functionality is as follows: a couple of minutes after…

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Georgian lemonades

Georgian lemonade is the taste of childhood. Here he remained the same as he was during the Soviet occupation. It is no exaggeration to call lemonade one of the symbols of Georgia. In 2022, lemonades are represented on the shelves of Georgian stores by the main three producers: Natakhtari, Zedazeni…

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