Georgia is a country for life, travel and recreation

Kojori Fortress

The remains of the fortress are located in the vicinity of Tbilisi near the village of Kojori on the top of Mount Azeula, at an altitude of 1350 meters above sea level. Other names: Azeuli fortress, Kor Ogli fortress, Agarata Fortress. Only the ruins of the fence and two towers…

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Attitude towards Russians in Georgia. How do Georgians treat Russians in 2022?

Georgians are an amazingly patient nation. Despite the events of August 2008, when Russia attacked Georgia and actually contributed to the separation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, most Georgians continue to be tolerant of Russian tourists. Moreover, Georgian stores always sell a huge amount of Russian goods. Russians feel quite…

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Taxi in Georgia

Taxi in Georgia is inexpensive, but keep in mind that the best price will be if you order through a smartphone application. When ordering directly on the street, you can overpay the regular price several times. The most popular taxi services in Georgia are Bolt and Russian Yandex.Taxi. The choice…

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Tbilisi Sea

The Tbilisi Sea is a reservoir in the northeast of Tbilisi. It is located at an altitude of 535 meters above sea level, 9 km long, up to 1.8 km wide. Maximum depth 45m, average depth 26m. Filling occurs in the spring, and the use of water – in the…

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