How to find a cafe for rent in Batumi? Commercial real estate for rent in Georgia

Thinking about opening a cafe in Batumi and wondering if it is possible to rent a cafe? Are there any sites for renting commercial real estate in Georgia? In this video, Alexander Nekrashevich tells what he would do if he were looking for a cafe for rent, shares the most reliable search option, is ready to share an idea for business and even ready to advise on this issue!

If you want to learn more about commercial real estate rental sites, if you can make money on it, watch this video! Get information that will help you realize your dreams with great prospects! Please write in the comments if you liked the video, did you find the answer to your question?

Source: Madloba help and advice for tourists in Georgia

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One comment

  1. Hello, I looking for a space of 200 -400 sqm for a restaurant in batumi ( TOURISTIC DISCRIT)
    long term rental – can be oparating restaurant or a white fram space
    my mobile is 972 544216770
    thank you in advance

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