The short film “Butterfly” directed by Nelli Nenova, Geno Tsulai and screenwriter Revaz Gabriadze is part of the comedy series “The Road”, filmed by “Georgia-Film” during the USSR in 1977. This short novel tells about three very cheerful craftsmen who repaired the road and, in addition, helped a beautiful girl to catch butterflies. The film starred such stars of Georgia as Lika Kavzharadze with Kakhi Kavsadze, Baadur Tsuladze and Givi Berikashvili.
Genre: comedy
Director: Ninel Nenova, Geno Tsulaya
Screenwriter: Rezo Gabriadze
Cast: Lika Kavzharadze, Kakhi Kavsadze, Baadur Tsuladze, Givi Berikashvili
Film company: Georgia-film
Duration: 10 min.
Russian language
Year: 1977
Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners
Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners