Arriving in Georgia, you need to understand that this country has a different mentality. Sometimes tourists immediately start sharp conversations, which immediately repel Georgians from themselves. There are certain topics that it is better not to talk to them about in order to build a good relationship. This will help in all areas of life: in friendship, in a career, in everyday life. Here they respect a person who has a clear position on every issue and does not waste time arguing.
Alexander Nekrashevich talks about three main topics on which it is better not to start dialogues with Georgians.
Spoiler: it is not recommended to talk about politics, religion and sports.
In the comments, we are interested to read your opinion about conversations and disputes in society on harsh topics, for example, about politics. Everyone’s opinion is important and should be heard!

Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners

Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners