In December 2005, a yeshiva of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement was opened in Tbilisi.
Beit HaBaD (ChabaD office) in Tbilisi is located on 25 Kote Abkhazi Street. It is represented by Rabbi Meir Kozlovsky with his wife Tzipora, Rabbi Shneur-Zalman Zaks with his wife Bracha-Mushka.
Rav Meir and Tsippora Kozlowski are the family of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s envoys who moved to Tbilisi from Israel and have been working for the benefit of the Jewish community in Tbilisi and Georgia for many years.
Beit HaBad regularly hosts Hebrew and Hasidut classes, YAHAD youth club meetings, Shabbat meals for the community and tourists. More information here.
To participate in Kiddush, you need to register in advance, because. There are many people who want to, and it is necessary to arrange tables in advance so that there are places for everyone. You can register online by paying the registration fee and meals yourself, or through Rabbi Meir Kozlovsky: 032 242 97 70.
At events, everyone usually knows each other and meets new faces with sincere joy – Georgian Jews everywhere create a family atmosphere. Relations with the rabbi in the community are special: warm and cordial. The teaching method of Rabbi Meir and his wife Tzipporah draws the city’s youth to its Jewish roots.
The connections of Georgian Jewry with the Lubavitchers began no later than at the turn of the century. Among the envoys that Rabbi Sholom Dov-Ber Schneersohn, the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe sent to Georgia, were Rabbi Shmuel Levitin (he was a rabbi in Kutaisi and Batumi) and Rabbi Avroom Levi Slavin (he was sent as a rabbi to Kulashi.
Chabad messengers not only strengthened the spirit of Jewish life in Georgia, but also educated and inspired a whole generation of Georgian chahams, who then themselves began to lead the communities. For example, Chakham Emmanuel Davidashvili, chief rabbi of the Great Synagogue in Tbilisi, was a devoted student of Kaganov when he lived in Akhaltsikhe. Several Georgian khakhams even went to study at Lubavitcher yeshivas: khakham Yaakov Debrashvili from Kutaisi studied at Tomkhei Tmimim in Rostov after the First World War.
The word Chabad is an abbreviation of the Hebrew words, which in the teachings of Kabbalah designate the three powers of the intellect: Hochma – wisdom, Bina – understanding, Daat – knowledge. As a Jewish religious philosophy, the teachings of Chabad reveal the highest levels of Torah wisdom, directing the human mind to comprehend the Creator, understand the purpose of the creation of the world and realize the importance and special mission of each creation. Chabad teaches a person to calibrate his every action and feeling with wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
The name “Lubavitch” comes from the name of the Belarusian village of Lubavichi, which was the center of the movement for more than a century.
GPS coordinates: 41.693115, 44.805018

Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners

Notes about Georgia
A look at life in Georgia through the eyes of foreigners