Unified emergency service “112” in Georgia

Unified emergency service 112 in Georgia

112 is Georgia’s unified emergency number, which was created in 2012 to ensure effective emergency management.
Duty officers and dispatchers of the 112 service process calls around the clock and promptly transmit information about incidents to the relevant departments. The only link between callers and emergency services are 112 operators.
Something like the American emergency service “911”. You can contact Service 112 from any landline and mobile phones from all over Georgia. When dialing, you do not need to specify the operator or city code, just dial the short three-digit number 112. It works even with a negative account balance and even without an inserted SIM card. Calls are free, not charged by telecom operators.

When to call 112
Call 112 only in an emergency. Any situation requiring the participation of the police, fire and rescue teams and ambulance crews is considered an emergency.
When calling 112, the caller must provide the operator with the following information:
• What is the type of incident, emergency teams are needed
• Where – the exact location of the incident
• Caller’s full name
The above information is extremely important so that the 112 service operator can provide timely and necessary assistance.
• Speak clearly and vividly and do not hang up until the operator has finished speaking!
• Every incoming call is recorded for quality assurance purposes.

When not to call
Do not play pranks on 112 and do not ask for any information that is not related to emergency situations.
For example:
• To know the weather forecast
• Find out the exchange rate
• To book a hotel
• Order a taxi
• Book tickets
• Find out the schedule of public transport
• To find out information related to utilities
• For information about medicines
• To learn about license plates
• To learn about driver’s licenses, etc.
Incoming calls are recorded. Pranks or fake calls are strictly prohibited and prosecuted!

Mobile application – 112Georgia
Any person on the territory of Georgia can download and use the 112 mobile application. The main advantage of the application is the ability to determine the user’s location. The app is free and compatible with Android and iOS platforms. In addition, it is available in Georgian, English and Russian. The application is adapted for visually impaired users.
Using the 112 mobile app to cheat or make a false call is strictly prohibited and punishable by law!
The application has many features:
Silent alarm – SOS
The solution is intended for situations where a call could create or increase
danger. To use the SOS feature, users must turn on the GPS service. Pressing the SOS button sends the coordinates of the user’s location, and 112 directs the police to the specified address.
Chat with operator 112 (Chat)
This feature can be used in an emergency where the caller is unable to make a call, but can speak to the operator receiving the call to explain additional details. If the GPS service is enabled, when using the chat function, the application will send the user’s location coordinates to 112. If the user has run out of data, the location coordinates will be sent to 112 as an SMS.
Call 112 from application
The application allows users to call 112 from the application and send location coordinates at the same time (the only condition is that the GPS service is turned on)
The service is free and available throughout the country 24/7. Preliminary registration is required on the website www.112.gov.ge.
Official website: https://112.gov.ge

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